Friday, August 26, 2011

Highlights of the Week
We had a wonderful first week of school.  It’s always so exciting to kick off a new school year.  Our new first graders did a great job and are really getting acclimated to a full-day routine.  Our big kids are back into the swing of things.  On Friday we enjoyed our Back to School assembly where we danced to Tony Chestnut (toe, knee, chest, nut) , which a so much fun.  Be sure to ask your child about it.  We also sang our Prairie School song and learned about our new Positively Prairie program.  This program will focus on social, emotional, and positive behavior instruction with a focus on being kind, respectful, responsible, and ready.  Parents will learn more about this program at curriculum night.  

School Yard Scamper
The 16th Annual School Yard Scamper is just around the corner.  We look forward to walking or running with you and your child in a non-competative format on Friday, September 23rd at 1:15pm.  The 1.2 mile course begins at Prairie and passes through the streets and bike path of our school’s neighborhood.  Don’t miss out on this fabulous tradition!!!  Please click this link to register your child(ren) for the School Yard Scamper.  You must submit a separate online registration for each child in your family.  If you have trouble accessing this link, you may submit a paper registration/consent form which can be found on the P.E. website. Please direct any questions to Mrs. Androjna or Mrs. Lehtman, our P.E. teachers.  

Parent Review

New Parent Review Members are sought for the 2011-2012 school year. Parent Review Committee members review and offer feedback on curricular and instructional innovations, initiatives, policies, programs, topics required by school board policy or school code, and assist with the preparation of the district calendar.   Parent Review members have shared that they become well informed regarding our school district.   The role of parent review members include being active participants by sharing opinions, questions, suggestions, and feedback in positive ways, act as district ambassadors to promote the district in the community, direct other parents to the appropriate district personnel and resources as needed, and invite other parents to attend district sponsored meetings and events. Meetings are scheduled for 9/26/11, 10/17/11, 11/14/11, 1/9/12, 2/13/12, 3/12/12, and 4/3/12  from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Additional members are needed to represent Prairie School.  For more information or to express interest, please contact Dr. Christine Pfaff by September 9, 2011.  

District 96 Consistent Safe Snack List
District 96 has posted a consistent Safe Snack List on each of its school’s web pages.  Although this general list has been posted, allergen restricted classrooms may have a more specific list.  If your child is a student in an allergen-restricted classroom and that classroom has a specific snack list, please be sure to adhere to the classroom list.  Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our allergen restricted classrooms safe environments for our students.

5th Grade Band Opportunity
Mrs. Williams will be at Prairie the week of August 29th to talk with students about band and demonstrate different instruments.  Students will have the opportunity to try different instruments and learn which they might be successful on.  Please look for more detailed information about how to join band next week from your child.  There will be an informational meeting for 5th grade parents to find out more about this musical opportunity, and how to rent an instrument, on Tuesday evening, September 6, at 7:00 p.m. at Woodlawn Middle School.  Beginning Band Registration night will be from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 8th  at Twin Groves Middle School.  For more information, please call Mrs. Cathy Williams, Prairie Band Director, at 847.821.8946 X4444.  

Curriculum Nights: Tuesday, 8/30 & Thursday, 9/1 for Parents Only
Grades 1, 2, & 3 Curriculum Night is on Tuesday, 8/30 at 7pm.
Grades 4 & 5 Curriculum Night is on Thursday, 9/1 at 7pm
We look forward to seeing you there where you will learn more about Common Core standards, Standards Based Report Card, and your child’s grade level curriculum.  After grade level presentations, parents will visit their child’s classroom and have an opportunity to sign up for Parent-Teacher conferences.  

Coming Up...
Please continue to check the District E-news for specific school events and dates.

PTO Newsletter...
Please click here to get all the latest PTO news.  There is always something exciting going on.