Our week ended with wonderful winter parties with fun crafts and games which made a great kick off to the winter break. Students enjoyed all the festivities as did the staff. Thank you to all the parents who volunteered their time today to make this afternoon a memorable and fun event.
4th Grade Math Night
The 4th grade math night has become a district-wide event. All four elementary schools' parents are welcome to attend this evening of math learning on January 11th. For more information please click on this link: PARENTS OF 4TH-GRADERS MATH NIGHT
The Human Growth and Development Unit
This annual curricular unit will be taught from January 17th-23rd to all third, fourth and fifth gra de students. The unit will deal primarily with the informational aspects of human growth and development. Instruction will be provided by Mrs. Androjna and Mrs. Lehtman. If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact either of our P.E. teachers.
Happy Holidays
Please enjoy a safe and restful holiday while enjoying time with family and friends. Prairie staff look forward to seeing everyone in 2012!
PTO Highlight
Please visit the PTO Newsletter to learn about upcoming PTO events and news.