Thursday, March 22, 2012

Principal's Message 3.23.12

Highlight of the Week

On Thursday, we hosted our 2nd Principal Coffee of the school year.  Our topic this week was "Technology at Prairie."  Mrs. Linda Litvan, Prairie's Technology Instructional Coach, reviewed for parents the many various types of technology and web-based applications our students use on a daily basis.  Parents were very excited to learn about all the ways their children are using technology at Prairie.  On our technology tour, parents were able to see the technology in action and watch students using iTouches, MacBooks, and the interactive white board in Mrs. Spivack's class.  We stopped by Miss Cotter's classroom as well and the students walked our parent visitors through their class blog.  Parents were also able to see the new ByteSpeed laptop computers that will be going into our classrooms after spring break.  This generous technology donation from our PTO, 60 ByteSpeed computers in all, brings each classroom set of computers up to six laptops.  

A huge thank you goes out to Mrs. Litvan for her excellent presentation.  Her knowledge and expertise in the area of technology education for parents, staff, and students is truly appreciated.       

Teacher Institute Day
Teachers throughout the District worked extremely hard at the Institute Day on Tuesday.  The focus of the day was on reviewing our new reading targets that were implemented this year.  As you may recall, these new learning targets originated from the Common Core, which is a set of proposed national targets developed by experts in the field of education.  On Tuesday teachers had the opportunity to share how they instructed and assessed these targets this year.  Grade level teams revised the targets to make them clearer and in certain instances they increased the rigor or altered when they would be taught next school year.  The collaboration that occurred on Tuesday was truly exceptional!  It was certainly a day well spent. 

PTO Highlight
The Art Auction will be held on Friday, April 20th.  To learn more, please visit the
PTO Newsletter. We hope to see you there!

Spring Conferences
Parent/teacher conferences are an important opportunity for educators to share your child’s progress with you.  It is also a time for you to ask questions and plan additional ways to support your child with the classroom teacher.  Just a reminder that spring parent teacher conferences will be held on Wednesday, April 4, from 5:00-7:00 PM and Thursday, April 5,th from 2:00-7:00 PM.  Students will be dismissed on Wednesday at 2:00 PM.  Students will also not have school on Thursday and Friday to accommodate for conferences.  We look forward to meeting with you then.

Incoming 6th Grade Students
  • Click here for information regarding the 6th grade placement criteria for the 2012-2013 school year.
  • Incoming 6th Grade Parent Evening * April 10th * Twin Groves Cafeteria * 7:00

Placement Requests for the 2012 - 2013 School Year
It’s time to start thinking ahead to the 2012-2013 school year.  Creating balanced class lists that meet the needs of all students is a tremendously difficult job that takes many hours of thoughtful dialogue between classroom teachers, administrators, and other staff members.  We at Prairie take student classroom placement very seriously.  The process for class list creation is as follows:
·      First, teachers think about the social and academic needs of each of their current students, recording pertinent information to assist in the decision making process.
·      Next, teachers meet together as grade level teams to form class lists that are balanced in terms of academic, social, and emotional needs as well as considering friendships and other areas.  This is no easy task and often takes several meetings.  Teachers consider each child’s personality, academic needs, friendship patterns, and so on as they make a match for each individual child.  Specialists, the specials team, and I collaborate with the teams as needed during this process as well.
·      Each grade level team types a draft set of class lists that are then submitted to me.  One at a time, I will consider each student and his/her placement.  At this time, parent input is also considered.  Any changes in the draft lists are reviewed by the classroom teachers to ensure balance. 
·      Final class lists are then created with summer changes for move ins/outs reflected.
This same process happens at first grade.  Willow Grove creates the class lists for our incoming kindergartners enrolled there and I will add in students who attend private kindergartens.  Our goal is to create balanced class lists that promote the success of each child.  The process benefits all students.  Because of the input and thought given by teachers, parents, and administrators, we are very reluctant to make changes once this process occurs, as removing or moving one child can disrupt the balance of a class, impacting all students. 
The Prairie staff welcomes any insight you wish to share about your child’s strengths, needs, and learning style. We will take into consideration pertinent information about your child’s learning style and needs, received on or before Friday, April 27, 2012. While we welcome your input, specific teacher requests will not be honored.  Please put your thoughts in writing and address them to me at 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Principal's Message 3.16.12

Highlight of the Week
On Tuesday, Mrs. Kim Dahlem, Director of Student Services, and Mrs. Kim Lechner, Assistant Director of Student Services, presented Social and Emotional Learning at Ivy Hall School.  This excellent presentation focused upon the five social emotional learning (SEL) competencies:  self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making.  As SEL committee representatives, Mrs. Dahlem and Mrs. Lechner, were excited to share the District's work thus far along with sharing resources for raising caring, confident, and capable children.  For more information about social and emotional learning, please visit The Illinois Children's Mental Health Partnership at and The Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning at

New Laptop Computers
A HUGE thank you goes out to the Prairie PTO for purchasing for our Prairie students 60!!! ByteSpeed laptop computers.  The teachers and students are so excited about this new purchase.  Currently, each grade level homeroom has three laptop computers.  These additional computers will give each class a total of six or seven laptops.  As technology use increases daily in all of our classrooms, this wonderful purchase could not have come at a better time.  Staff training for the new computers will occur after spring break and then the computers will be in the hands of our kids.  Again, THANK YOU to our wonderful PTO.    

Principal Coffee:  Technology at Prairie School
Interactive whiteboards, iPods, document cameras and laptops!   These are a few of the 21st century tools your students are using in their classrooms.  We are very fortunate at Prairie to have so many great technologies to engage our students in learning.  Please join us on Thursday, March 22nd at 9am to take a look at the programs, applications and various technology we use in our school. We will have a presentation and tour of how technology rolls at Prairie School!

PTO Highlight
Learn about the exciting new location for our upcoming Art Auction in Long Grove.
Please go to the  PTO Newsletter to learn more.

Babysitting for Parent Teacher Conferences
Once again, Prairie School's 5th Grade Girl Scout Troop 41416 will be providing babysitting services during the upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences.  Please help Troop 41416 feed the hungry by utilizing their services. For 1 hour of baby sitting Troop 41416 kindly requests one non-perishable food item or $2 donation per child (for children over one year of age only, please).  All donations, monetary and food items, will be given to the Vernon Township food pantry.  Your support helps the girls of Troop 41416 earn their Silver Award.  This award is the highest Girl Scout service award for Junior Girl Scouts. Locations are as follows:

Wednesday, April 4: 4:45 - 6pm in room 19
Wednesday, April 4: 6 - 7:15pm in the gym
Thursday, April 5: 1:45 - 7:15pm in the gym
Children should be older than one year (we will not be changing diapers), parents cannot leave the school and must provide a cell phone number and a conference room number.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Principal's Message 3.9.12

Highlight of the Week
We had our 2nd and final Professional Learning Community visit this Wednesday. Our visitors were a 6th grade team from Rock River Intermediate School in the Waupun Area School District in Wisconsin. They were excited about all the learning they gained when they were here. Several visitors shared that they could learn so much at Prairie and wished they could spend more time with us. Some other comments were:
  • "Hearing the staff talk here, I want to stay and learn more."
  • "Your knowledge base was outstanding."
  • "I would love to spend a trimester here to truly learn your ways."
  • "I am energized to try a few of your ideas."
  • "You gave us lots of things to think about."
We thank the Rock River team for coming to Prairie as we learned so much from you as well.

Principal Coffee:  Technology at Prairie School
Interactive whiteboards, iPods, document cameras and laptops!   These are a few of the 21st century tools your students are using in their classrooms.  We are very fortunate at Prairie to have so many great technologies to engage our students in learning.  Please join us on Thursday, March 22nd at 9am to take a look at the programs, applications and various technology we use in our school. We will have a presentation and tour of how technology rolls at Prairie School!

Social Emotional Learning Community Event
Kildeer Countryside School District 96 welcomes you to a community event designed to increase awareness of social and emotional learning.  This event will take place Tuesday, March 13th at 7pm at Ivy Hall School in the MAT Room, which is located on the lower level of the building.  We hope to see you there.   

PTO Highlight
The Art Auction is quickly approaching.  Don't miss this great opportunity to get your hands on our wonderful Prairie students' artwork.  Please go to the  PTO Newsletter to learn more about this exciting adult evening out event.

Candace Fleming, Children's Author, Visiting Soon... Candace Fleming will be visiting Prairie on Thursday, April 26th. She is an Illinois children's author who has written picture and non-fiction books. She worked for several years writing and trying to get her work published. After three years of rejection letters, she found success in getting published. To learn more about Mrs. Fleming and her books, please visit her website.

Mrs. Fleming will be giving presentations to all our students. If you are interested in ordering any of her books, the can be purchased prior to her visit by completing and returning this order form. If you have any questions, please contact our librarian, Mr. Tim Vanderwerff.

Reading Resource for Parents
Building Readers, a resource that helps parents help their child become a better reader, will be available online. To read this valuable resource go to BUILDING READERS March 2012 Newsletter.

Girls on the Run
This Spring, Prairie is home to a program called "Girls on the Run". This international program combines social-emotional learning and physical fitness to help girls in grades 3rd-5th to believe in the power of themselves by belonging to a team. This program currently has 1100 coaches throughout Chicagoland, and nearly 6500 participants!! Two of our staff members, Nicole Nielsen and Erin Sauer, brought the program to Prairie and are working hard and having lots of fun with fourteen girls to prepare for the end-of-season 5K (that's 3.1 miles!) on June 9th.  The girls do lessons, workouts, and team building activities two days each week for 12 weeks.   We would LOVE to expand this program next year to include more girls. If you are interested in having your 3rd, 4th or 5th grade girl participate next year, check out to learn about the program or e-mail Erin Sauer at  

Positively Prairie
Thank you for your feedback on our recent Positively Prairie survey. The feedback was very positive and also had very good suggestions for consideration. The Positively Prairie Committee will continue to review the data, along with teacher and student input, as we plan our next steps for the upcoming school year. One immediate change that we will implement to keep parents more informed about the Positively Prairie Program, is our new monthly "Positively Prairie" segment in the Principal's Message.

We recently updated the look of our WOW slips. In an effort to save paper and storage space, we have reduced the size of the WOW slip to a quarter page. We we thrilled to learn through the survey results that WOW slips find a prominent place on the refrigerator. We couldn't think of a better place for displaying them at home!  

The Positively Prairie Student Leadership Team (PPSLT) has put into place a "Fill the Bucket" reward program. If you've been at school lately you may have seen this on display in the multi-purpose room. The PPSLT created the idea of the student body earning a reward based upon the number of school-wide WOW slips received. Once the number hits the "meets" level, all Prairie students earn a reward. We have nearly 900 WOW slips earned building-wide and do have a fun reward activity planned for April. More information to come on that soon.  

Finally, we will be having a PP all-school assembly on April 13th. The PPSLT is working hard on planning and preparing for this assembly. We look forward to sharing more about this after the event.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Principal's Message 3.2.12

Highlight of the Week

Fourth grader Drew S. from Mrs. Saltzberg's classroom was surprised on Tuesday by the District 96 Foundation Prize Patrol.  Drew submitted a grant application to the District 96 Foundation KIDS Mini-Grant Program for four flip cameras.  During his acceptance speech, Drew shared that he wants to use the cameras for video projects and the blog that he would like create for teachers to post assignments.  Drew is looking forward to working with his teachers to get this up and running.

Prairie Receives Academic Excellence Award ~ 2011 Honor Roll
Congratulations Prairie students, parents, and teachers! We have once again received the Illinois State Board of Education Academic Excellence Award.  Only 438 schools across Illinois earned this award for 2011.  To earn the award, elementary schools must meet the following criteria:
  • Attain Annual Yearly Progress in 2010 and 2011
  • 90% of students must meet or exceed state standards in both reading and math for the three most recent school years
To learn more information about the Academic Excellence Award, please visit the Illinois Honor Roll website.
6th Grade Placement Information
Please click here for information about 6th grade placement for the 2012-2013 school year. Please remember to attend Twin Groves night on April 10th.

PTO Highlight
The Art Auction will be coming up quickly on April 20th.  Should you have an opportunity to stop by the school office, please check out the beautiful Art Auction items that are on display.  Please go to the  PTO Newsletter to learn more about this exciting adult evening out event.

ISAT Testing will Start on Wednesday, March 7th
It is always important for our students to have ample rest and healthy nutrition. With ISAT testing starting next Wednesday, the importance of these two healthy life style choices cannot be overstated. ISAT testing can be demanding for students so giving them a head start on the day feeling well rested and energized with a healthy breakfast will certainly put them in the right frame of mind. As always, if you have any questions about ISAT testing, please contact your child's teacher.