Thursday, March 15, 2012

Principal's Message 3.16.12

Highlight of the Week
On Tuesday, Mrs. Kim Dahlem, Director of Student Services, and Mrs. Kim Lechner, Assistant Director of Student Services, presented Social and Emotional Learning at Ivy Hall School.  This excellent presentation focused upon the five social emotional learning (SEL) competencies:  self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making.  As SEL committee representatives, Mrs. Dahlem and Mrs. Lechner, were excited to share the District's work thus far along with sharing resources for raising caring, confident, and capable children.  For more information about social and emotional learning, please visit The Illinois Children's Mental Health Partnership at and The Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning at

New Laptop Computers
A HUGE thank you goes out to the Prairie PTO for purchasing for our Prairie students 60!!! ByteSpeed laptop computers.  The teachers and students are so excited about this new purchase.  Currently, each grade level homeroom has three laptop computers.  These additional computers will give each class a total of six or seven laptops.  As technology use increases daily in all of our classrooms, this wonderful purchase could not have come at a better time.  Staff training for the new computers will occur after spring break and then the computers will be in the hands of our kids.  Again, THANK YOU to our wonderful PTO.    

Principal Coffee:  Technology at Prairie School
Interactive whiteboards, iPods, document cameras and laptops!   These are a few of the 21st century tools your students are using in their classrooms.  We are very fortunate at Prairie to have so many great technologies to engage our students in learning.  Please join us on Thursday, March 22nd at 9am to take a look at the programs, applications and various technology we use in our school. We will have a presentation and tour of how technology rolls at Prairie School!

PTO Highlight
Learn about the exciting new location for our upcoming Art Auction in Long Grove.
Please go to the  PTO Newsletter to learn more.

Babysitting for Parent Teacher Conferences
Once again, Prairie School's 5th Grade Girl Scout Troop 41416 will be providing babysitting services during the upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences.  Please help Troop 41416 feed the hungry by utilizing their services. For 1 hour of baby sitting Troop 41416 kindly requests one non-perishable food item or $2 donation per child (for children over one year of age only, please).  All donations, monetary and food items, will be given to the Vernon Township food pantry.  Your support helps the girls of Troop 41416 earn their Silver Award.  This award is the highest Girl Scout service award for Junior Girl Scouts. Locations are as follows:

Wednesday, April 4: 4:45 - 6pm in room 19
Wednesday, April 4: 6 - 7:15pm in the gym
Thursday, April 5: 1:45 - 7:15pm in the gym
Children should be older than one year (we will not be changing diapers), parents cannot leave the school and must provide a cell phone number and a conference room number.