Friday, August 10, 2012

Principal's Message 8.10.12

It’s almost that time… the first day of school!!  I know everyone is full of anticipation for our Welcome Back mailing, which will be mailed on Wednesday, August 15th.  We had the same anticipation in Pfaff household this week.  

Earlier this week, District 96 Superintendent, Mrs. Schmidt, sent an email to all parents sharing news about the new teachers coming to Prairie and teachers who have transferred to Prairie from other schools within the district.  Since Mrs. Schmidt's email, we have two additional new classroom teachers.  It is with amazing enthusiasm that these talented educators join our already outstanding faculty.  They bring to us their passion for helping children learn through their talented skill sets.  The Prairie faculty is very excited to welcome our new colleagues and we look forward to working and learning with them.  Here's a recap of who will be joining our team including our two newest teachers:

Ø Mrs. Betsy Davis is now a member our 2nd grade team.  She has held several long-term substitute positions in District 96 and, most recently, a special education instructional aide position at Ivy Hall.  Mrs. Davis holds a masters degree in elementary education from National-Louis University. 
Ø  Miss Jessica Johnston joins Prairie’s 3rd grade team after one year as an instructional aide in our school.  Miss Johnston is a graduate of Northern Illinois University with a bachelors degree in elementary education.
Ø  Mrs. Hayley Knuth joins Prairie’s 1st grade team from Ivy Hall School where she was a 1st grade instructional aide last year.  She is a graduate of Bradley University with a bachelors degree in elementary education.
Ø  Mrs. Christine Weede is the second addition to our 3rd grade team this year.  Mrs. Weede is excited to be joining the education profession after several years in the business world.  Mrs. Weede holds a masters degree in elementary education from National-Louis University.
Ø  Ms. Cara Ying joins the District 96 music team in the role of Orchestra Director for Prairie, Ivy Hall, and Twin Grove schools.  Miss Ying comes to us from Indian Prairie School District 204.  She holds a bachelors degree in music education from the University of Hartford in West Hartford Connecticut.  
Ø  Mrs. Sarita (Desari) Barnes will be our new school psychologist.  She will be working between Prairie and Willow Grove schools.  Mrs. Barnes holds a masters degree in psychology from Southern Illinois University.  

Vacation Postcards
Thank you to all the students who sent a postcard to Prairie telling us about your exciting summer adventures.  We have received postcards from Florida, South Haven, Tennessee, Milwaukee, Washington D.C., and China to name a few.  I look forward to reading these postcards during announcements during the first weeks of school.  There's still time to send in your postcard if you have one or if you are planning any last minute trips.

Vacation Pictures
Did you have an awesome vacation or stay-cation this summer?  We would love to hang up one photo of your child or whole family having fun in the sun.  If you would like a picture hung up, please send one to school during the first few weeks.  Please know that pictures will not be returned.  

Important Dates
Tuesday, August 21st - Meet the Teacher at 11am, PTO sign ups starting at 10:30am
Tuesday, August 21st - New Family Tour at 12pm, Meet in the Multi-Purpose Room
Wednesday, August 22nd - First day of school, 8:30am - 11:45am
Tuesday, August 28th - Grades 1 - 3 Curriculum Night from 6:30pm - 7:30pm, Parents only please
Wednesday, August 29th - Grades 4 & 5 Curriculum Night from 6:30pm - 7:30pm, Parents only please
Monday, September 3rd - Labor Day, No School
Thursday, September 6th - PTO Back to School Blow Out - Enjoy ice cream & dancing
Monday, September 17th - Rosh Hashanah - No School
Wednesday, September 19th - PTO General meeting at 9:30am    

The Prairie teachers, staff, and I look forward to seeing you soon!