Happy New Year!!
Highlight of the Week: Congratulations to Mrs. Michelle Mays!
A Prairie staff member is a recipient of the 2013 Staff Innovative Grant Awards’ program sponsored by the District 96 Foundation. This year’s initiative was created to recognize those applicants whose projects concretely displayed innovation. Prairie’s winner was among twelve finalists whose ideas not only exemplified professional commitment to excellence in learning, but captured novel methods and/or technologies to elevate and advance student performance. Congratulations Michelle Ponsolle-Mays for “Advancing Academic and Social-Emotional Growth with iPads.” If you wish to find out more about her winning project, stop by the display in the main office.
K.I.D.S. Mini-Grants: Does your student have a novel idea that will help classmates learn?
The District 96 Foundation is now accepting applications from students for K.I.D.S. Mini-Grant Program (Kids Initiating a Difference in School). Read details and complete the online form found atwww.96foundation.org. Don’t delay–the deadline for accepting applications is Fri., Feb. 1. Winners are acknowledged by the foundation prize patrol who will be out and about February 28th and March 1st. Questions? Call the public info coordinator at 847.459.4260, ext. 7722.
Click here for the PTO Newsletter.
Girls On The Run Announcement from Miss Sauer
Valentine's Day
If you choose to include an item with your child's Valentines, please note that only non-food items are permissible. Candy, snacks, or any sort of food item will be sent back home with your child on Valentine's day if sent to school. Non-food items are permitted, and there are many pre-packaged Valentines that can be purchased that include a trinket (i.e., pencil, erasers, book mark, etc.). Card and party stores or stores with a birthday party aisle (i.e., Target) are a great place to look for these types of items. Here are some ideas of non-food items if you choose to include something:
Girls On The Run Announcement from Miss Sauer
Hi Parents of 3rd, 4th and 5th grade girls!
It's that time of year again! After a successful first year, Prairie will again be facilitating Girls on the Run!!!! Girls on the Run is an international program that, "promotes physical as well as emotional, mental and character development. The girls complete the program with a stronger sense of identity, a greater acceptance of themselves, a healthier body image and an understanding of what it means to be part of a team.”(GOTR website: www.gotrchicago.com orwww.girlsontherun.org). If you are interested in signing your daughter up for Girls on the Run, please contact Erin Sauer at esauer@kcsd96.org or 847-634-3144 x3720 to get an application. This season will begin on Wednesday, February 27th and run through the end of May. Practices will be every Wednesday and Thursday from 3:00-4:45. There is a fee of $175 but full and partial scholarships are available! Applications will be due by Friday, January 18th at 3:00pm. SPARKLE FINGERS!!!!
If you choose to include an item with your child's Valentines, please note that only non-food items are permissible. Candy, snacks, or any sort of food item will be sent back home with your child on Valentine's day if sent to school. Non-food items are permitted, and there are many pre-packaged Valentines that can be purchased that include a trinket (i.e., pencil, erasers, book mark, etc.). Card and party stores or stores with a birthday party aisle (i.e., Target) are a great place to look for these types of items. Here are some ideas of non-food items if you choose to include something:
- pencils
- erasers
- stickers
- play-dough
- bubble wands
- plastic or rubber figurines
- capsules that become figures when placed in water
- mini deck of cards
- spinning top
- crazy straws
Nearly one-third of our Prairie student body has medically based dietary restrictions and this does not include students on specific diets of family choice (i.e., vegetarian, low calorie/sugar, religious, etc.) Monitoring the individual needs and requests is not feasible, thus not safe. In addition, it is frequently reported that several children eat Valentine's treats on the bus, as evidenced by an abundance of wrappers found. This poses a choking risk, as well as exposure for students with specific health restrictions. Thank you for your assistance in helping us maintain the health, safety, and personal family preferences of our students.
Exciting News From Prairie Staff!
We're excited to share that Mrs. Nielsen, our reading specialist, is expecting a baby on February 24th! This is her first child and is keeping us all in suspense by not finding out if she is having a boy or girl! Mrs. Frisch, a recently retired reading specialist in District 96, will be taking over Mrs. Nielsen's responsibilities during her maternity leave. We are excited to have a guest teacher who is so knowledgable and experienced during Mrs. Nielsen's leave.
Thank you to all the 4th grade parents who attended 4th Grade Math Night this week at Ivy Hall. Mrs. Steinberg & Mrs. Zimmerman were very excited about the number of parents that attended from across the district. We always appreciate your support in educating your children.
Mark your calendar for this upcoming District 96 SEL program for parents:
Working well with others, demonstrating empathy, managing emotions, making positive choices–these are essential life skills for success in the workplace and the world. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) addresses helping students build these important skills.
• How is District 96 implementing social and emotional learning? What does SEL look like in D96 elementary and middle school classrooms?
Human Growth & Development Unit Coming Soon
Human Growth and Development will be taught to all third, fourth and fifth students February 11 - 15. The unit will deal primarily with the informational aspects of human growth and development education. Instruction will be provided by a trained teacher to teach our district's program. Classes will meet for four-five 30 minute sessions as part of the Physical Education program. The connection between this subject matter and individual moral values and religious beliefs will be considered the responsibility of parents. Unit objectives were shared at the start of school. Should you need further clarification on the objectives of the program please contact the school.
WOW Names Read This Wednesday...We call it "WOW Wednesday"
Grade 1: Ashley L., Shane G.
Grade 3: Joey C., Leo C.
Grade 4: Karina P., Jaden P., Brandon T., Parth B., Shreya G., Andrew C.,