Human Growth & Development Unit Coming Soon
Human Growth and Development will be taught to all third, fourth and fifth students February 11 - 15. The unit will deal primarily with the informational aspects of human growth and development education. Instruction will be provided by a trained teacher to teach our district's program. Classes will meet for four-five 30 minute sessions as part of the Physical Education program. The connection between this subject matter and individual moral values and religious beliefs will be considered the responsibility of parents. Unit objectives were shared at the start of school. Should you need further clarification on the objectives of the program please contact the school.
**Click here for the PTO Newsletter.**
5th Grade Concert
For photos of the 5th grade concert from last week, please click this LINK.
New Common Core Standards: How Are They Different?
I hope you will join me for this learning opportunity for parents on Monday, 2/11 at 7 p.m. in the Ivy Hall School Mat Room, 1072 Ivy Hall Lane, Buffalo Grove. Please enter through the double doors facing Clohesey Drive, on the east side of the school.
The program focus is the significant changes to curriculum–more rigor and greater expectations–that are the result of our implementation of Common Core Learning Standards. The Common Core is changing English/Language Arts instruction at every grade level. In the 2013–14 school year, Common Core Learning Standards will be implemented for every grade level in math. Join District administrators and staff for the program on Mon., Feb. 11, to learn more.
Literacy Learning with a Technology Connection Parent Afternoon
On February 15th from 2:00pm – 3:00pm we will be having a learning opportunity with our reading specialist/literacy coach, Mrs. Nicole Nielsen. During this time Mrs. Nielsen will be talking about literacy strategies to use at home. She will also be discussing different ways technology can be integrated into literacy to help make reading and writing fun! If you are planning on coming, please RSVP to Mrs. Johnson at 847.634.3144.
Is Your Child Well Enough to Attend School?
As stated in the Student Handbook, section 5.0 General Health Questions and Procedures:
Children with temperatures of 100 degrees or above, sneezing or runny
noses, sore or irritated eyes, or severe abdominal cramps should not be in
school. A child with a temperature of 100 degrees or more should stay home
for 24 hours after his or her temperature returns to normal without the use
of fever-reducing medications. Parents should notify the school whenever
there is confirmation of a communicable or contagious illness of any sort.
Please refer to the Send to School or Keep Home? guidelines when deciding if you should keep your child home or send them to school.
5PAC - 5th Grade Principal's Advisory Council
On Monday, I had a great 5PAC meeting with several student representatives from the 5th grade class. Megan L., Lucas B., Josh N., Jacob G., Ria K., Radha P., and I reviewed the recess expectations generated from our Positively Prairie Behavior Expectations Day last Friday. We summarized the expectations for kickball and four-square and will meet again to create a format to share out the expectations with the student body. During our meeting, the kids shared that they really enjoyed last Friday's event. They said they liked the Web of Germs because "it got the point across." The size of the problem activity was a big hit too in that they enjoyed discussing with their classmates their opinions about various situations that were presented during the activity. The 5PAC kids felt the activity helped put the size of various problems into perspective. 5PAC is a great leadership opportunity for our 5th graders and every 5th grade student will participate in 5PAC this year.
Attention Parents of 5th Graders
The D96 Parent-to-Parent (P2P) Network is partnering with Woodlawn and Twin Groves Middle School principals and staff to present a brand-new transition program for parents whose current fifth-grade students will be attending middle school in August 2013.
This don’t-miss program on Tues., Mar. 12, @ 7 p.m., Woodlawn Middle School Gym, for ALL District 96 parents of current fifth graders will feature a student panel for Q&A and practical transition tips, middle school staff, and Principals Heather Friziellie and Greg Grana.
Please note that this program replaces the school-based programs presented in previous years. One program/one date for ALL parents of current D96 fifth-grade students: Tuesday, March 12th at 7 p.m., Woodlawn Middle School gym, 6362 Gilmer Rd, Long Grove 60047.
Photography Club News...
The Photography Club has once again done an amazing job of recording Prairie celebrations of learning and fun and displaying these images all around our building. I can't tell you how fun it is to see students and staff looking at these great photos trying to find themselves and their friends. The comments that I over hear when students and staff are looking at these pictures are full of excitement and laughter. A big thank you to all our Photography Club kids and Mrs. Barry for bringing our daily work and fun to permanently to life through images that we all truly enjoy.
WOW Recipients this Week
Grade 1: Sam A.
Grade 2: Evan B., Sydney O., Javeria K.
Grade 3: Hadi A., Caitlyn G.
Grade 4: Erin D.
Grade 5: Dylan H., Drew S., Michael B.