Friday, March 15, 2013

Principal's Message 3.15.13

Parents of current 5th graders, if you missed the orientation program presented this week on Tues., Mar. 12, here are MIDDLE SCHOOL PARENT ORIENTATION PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS. School supply kits for students who will attend Twin Groves next year must be purchased through Twin Groves by Apr. 12. MORE INFO

PTO Board Positions... News from Co-President Cynthia Zarkowsky
Hi all! It is that time of year again. In the PTO newsletter, you will find forms to sign up for both open Executive Board positions and for Chair positions. It is the most fun to chair events with friends so if there is something that interests you, see if you can find a friend and indicate this on the form.  If you are currently in a Chair or Board position and wish to continue (most chair positions are a two year commitment whenever possible) you will still need to fill out and return a form indicating this. Some of these committees take very little time to run and are great for parents with super busy schedules. Email Suzanne Dicker at or Cynthia Zarkowsky at with any questions and we would be happy to steer you in a good direction. 

Creating balanced class lists that meet the needs of all students is a tremendously difficult job that takes many hours of thoughtful dialogue between classroom teachers, administrators, and other staff members.  We at Prairie take it very seriously.  The process for class list creation is as follows:
    • First, teachers think about the social and academic needs of each of their current students while recording pertinent information to assist in the decision making process.
    • Next, teachers meet together as grade level teams to form class lists that are balanced in terms of academic, social, and emotional needs as well as considering friendships and other areas.  This is no easy task and often takes several meetings.  Teachers consider each child’s personality, academic needs, friendship patterns, etc. as they make a match for each individual child.  Specialists and the specials team collaborate with the teams as needed during this process as well, and I attend each of these meetings.
    • Each grade level team types a draft set of class lists that are then submitted to me.  One at a time, I will consider each student and his/her placement.  At this time, parent input is also considered.  Any changes in the draft lists are reviewed by the classroom teachers to ensure balance.
    • Final class lists are then created in August with summer changes for move ins/outs reflected.
This process happens at grades 1-4.  Willow Grove creates the class lists for our incoming kindergartners enrolled there and I will add in students who attend private kindergartens.  Our 5th grade team actively works with Twin Groves to provide data and input related to placement decisions as well.
We strongly believe that this detailed and collaborative process creates learning environments that benefit all students.  It is a delicate balancing act which takes much consideration and thought by professionals who know and care about your children.  Our goal is to create balanced class lists that promote the success of each child.  Please know that your child is placed in a classroom for very specific reasons.  The process benefits all students.  Because of the input and thought given by teachers, parents, and administrators, we are very reluctant to make changes once this process occurs, as removing or moving one child can disrupt the balance of a class, impacting all students.  

I welcome any insight you wish to share about your child’s strengths, needs, and learning style. I will take into consideration pertinent information about your child’s learning style and needs, received on or before FRIDAY, APRIL 26th, 2013.  I cannot express enough how important it is that your thoughts are in writing. As you can imagine, we receive lots of parent input, and verbal information is nearly impossible to track. Further, please direct all of this communication to me as ultimately I am responsible for reviewing final class lists in August when teachers are not working.  While we welcome your input, specific teacher requests will not be honored.  Please put your thoughts in writing and address them to me either via hard copy letter or email (

**Click here for the PTO Newsletter.**  

Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, March 19: Early Release @ 2pm
Friday, March 22nd - 2nd grade dental exams are due
Monday, April 1st - Return from Spring Break
Monday, April 8th & Tuesday, April 9th - Parent - Teacher Conferences