Friday, May 18, 2012

Principal's Message 5.18.12

Highlight of the Week
Ethan H. had an amazing ride to school today in a Buffalo Grove fire truck.  Ethan was all smiles when he got out of the truck as his class met him at the circle drive.  Ethan shared, "The ride was really neat.  There were two calls on the radio about people who needed help.  I didn't know that firemen do more than put out fires.  They also help people who are sick.  They just can't take them in the fire truck so they have to wait for an ambulance."  Thank you BGFD for making today such an exciting day for Ethan and his classmates!

Thursday we had our last Principal's Coffee of the year, which was a technology talk.  We had a terrific turn out.  Fourteen parents joined Mrs. Litvan and me in the library.  We learned about the Wixie program and some of the many ins and outs of Google Docs.  Thank you to all parents who attended.  We really appreciate your time and interest in what your children are learning and the tools teachers are utilizing in the classroom.

Crossing Guard Appreciation
Mr. Ron and Miss Julie, Prairie's Crossing Guards, do an amazing job of keeping our treasures safe on their way to and from school.  They forge through all types of weather and, recently construction challenges, to cross our students.  If you would like to donate to an end of the year appreciation gift for our hard working crossing guards, please send your donation to the attention of Mrs. Johnson, our school secretary.  

Former Prairie Students Conduct Professional Clothing Drive
Current Twin Groves 8th graders Nicole Strezewski, Reema Amin, and Lindsey Wetle of Girl Scout troop 40025 (8th grade) are earning their Silver Award by having a clothing drive to support Poised For Success! PFS is a non-profit local organization that gives clothing to women in need so they can have appropriate attire for professional job interviews, and their first week on the job. The drive will last from Monday, May 14th, to Friday, May 25th. A drop-off box will be located near the front entrance of Prairie School.  You can go to or for more information!

PTO News
Check out this week's PTO Newsletter for current happenings in the PTO.

Is Registration Still on your To Do List?
Student registration for the 2012-2013 school year is happening online now. Note that returning students–as well as those new to District 96–must be registered for the upcoming school year. In April, the District sent emails including registration links and instructions. If you missed the email(s), please call the public information coordinator at 847.459.4260, ext. 7722, as soon as possible. Don't delay–families who register by midnight on Friday, May 18, will save $20 per student.

Upcoming Dates
  • 5/23 PTO General Meeting and Board Elections, 9:30am
  • 5/24 5th grade transition day, 9am
  • 5/24 5th grade beginning band concert at TG at 7pm
  • 5/25 Half Day of School, 11:45am dismissal
  • 5/28 No School - Memorial Day
  • 5/31 - Kindergarteners to visit Prairie at 1pm
  • 5/31 Talent Show at 7pm
  • 6/1 Field Day
  • 6/4 Field Day Rain Date
  • 6/5 5th Grade Party starting at 12:15pm