Friday, May 4, 2012

Principal's Message 5.4.12

Highlight of the Week
Hadi from Mrs. Spivack's class got the ride of his life on Tuesday when he was dropped off at school by Officer Staci Kupsak, the district liaison officer.  Hadi was greeted by his cheering class.  Officer Kupsak drove Hadi around the neighborhood before dropping him off at school.  Hadi was all smiles and shared with everyone that it was a great day.

The Rhythm Band and Chorus performed their concert on Thursday evening.  The students performed various drum circles and old time popular music for the audience.  They did a wonderful job.  A big thank you to Mr. Nagle who always directs a wonderful show.  

Supporting Young Readers
The Building Readers newsletter has practical suggestions for families supporting elementary readers. See theMAY 2012 BUILDING READERS newsletter.

Is Registration Still on your To Do List?
Student registration for the 2012-2013 school year is happening online now. Note that returning students–as well as those new to District 96–must be registered for the upcoming school year. In April, the District sent emails including registration links and instructions. If you missed the email(s), please call the public information coordinator at 847.459.4260, ext. 7722, as soon as possible. Don't delay–families who register by midnight on Friday, May 18, will save $20 per student.

Thank you Girl Scout Troop 41040
Girl Scout Troop 41040 helped to clean up the school grounds last week in honor of Earth Day.  They collected several bags of trash, which really helped to spruce things up on the property.  Prairie appreciates your time and efforts in keeping our school grounds clean.

Box Tops for Education
We recently received a check from Box Tops in the amount of $160.10.  Please know that all proceeds from Box Tops go directly back to students.  Please keep clipping those Box Tops.  

Drop off and Pick Up Reminder
Please remember that the staff parking lot should not be used for drop off or pick up at any time.  Before and after school traffic in this lot is heavy and student safety is of the utmost concern.  In the morning, please use the front circle for drop off and after school the circle on Kingsbridge.  Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students safe.

A Message from H.O.T
A big thank you to Prairie students, parents, and staff for bringing in all of your outgrown books for Bernie's Book Bank. Our students set a goal of collecting 4,000 books in two weeks and we exceeded our goal with some classrooms bringing in over 700 books!! Many great books were collected for a variety of age groups. Our donations will benefit kids from around the Chicagoland area and help them to enjoy reading as much as we do! Thank you so much for all of your support in making this drive a great success!

Principal Coffee and Parent Technology Training
During the next Principal's Coffee on May 17th from 2:00 - 3:00pm, you will experience first-hand, the technology and applications your child uses at Prairie School. Please mark your calendar for this event. We look forward to seeing you there.

PTO News
Check out this week's PTO Newsletter for current happenings in the PTO.

Upcoming Dates
  • 5/9 Prairie Celebrates Learning (formerly Portfolio Night), 6:30 - 7:30pm
  • 5/17 Principal's Coffee at 2pm - Technology Topic...more to come...please contribute to our survey
  • 5/23 PTO General Meeting and Board Elections, 9:30am
  • 5/24 5th grade transition day, 9am
  • 5/24 5th grade beginning band concert at TG at 7pm
  • 5/25 Half Day of School, 11:45am dismissal
  • 5/28 No School - Memorial Day
  • 5/31 - Kindergarteners to visit Prairie at 1pm
  • 5/31 Talent Show at 7pm
  • 6/1 Field Day
  • 6/4 Field Day Rain Date
  • 6/5 5th Grade Party starting at 12:15pm