Friday, April 12, 2013

Principal's Message 4.12.13

Parent Teacher Conferences
Thanks to all our parents for wonderful parent-teacher conferences.  We enjoy sharing the growth that your child has made over the course of the school year.  

Student Council News
Next Friday, April 19th the student council is sponsoring Decade Day! Whether it is 50's rock 'n roll, 70's hippie or  80's punk, dress like your favorite decade! We can't wait to see all the creative outfits!

PTO Board Positions & Committee Chairmanships
It is that time of year again.  On the PTO website, you will find forms to sign up both for the open Executive Board positions and for Chairs. It is the most fun to chair events with friends so if there is something that interests you, see if you can find a friend and indicate this on the form.  If you are currently in a Chair or Board position and wish to continue, you still need to fill out and return a form indicating this. Some of these committees take very little time to run and are great for those of us with super busy schedules. Email Suzanne Dicker,, or Cynthia Zarkowsky,, with questions and they will be happy to steer you in a good direction.

There are a GREAT MANY SPOTS to fill! Please consider getting involved at some level. It takes many hands to do all the things that make Prairie so special.

Art Auction
Don't miss out on a fun adult evening.  On Friday, April 19th from 7-9:30pm at Cubby Bear North, 21661 Milwaukee Ave., Lincolnshire, the PTO is hosting annual Art Auction.  Be present to bid on awesome original classroom art projects and silent auction items such as restaurant gift cards, theater and sports tickets, golf clubs, Principal for a Day, and exciting teacher sponsored activities.  Cost:  $15/person in advance, $18 at the door.  Appetizers and desserts will be served. Questions:  Aimee Brohl at 847.793.0055, Patricia DeJesus at 847.478.8015, or Jennifer Salpietro at 847.478.0654.

News from Student Council...
The Prairie School Student Council is sponsoring a toy drive to provide children in our community with toys and games. Prairie students and families are invited to donate gently used toys and games. Toys and games can be dropped off in the lobby entrance. The toy drive runs from April 8-April 19. Our school-wide goal is to collect 400 toys or games! If we reach our goal, all of the students at Prairie School will be rewarded with a Prairie Pod Party, where students can play games with any other kids in their pods. Let’s all work together to meet our goal and help out less fortunate children in our community! Click here for a terrific Toy Drive commercial. 

5th Grade Parents - Click Here!
Check out the UPDATED CURRICULUM WEBPAGE with a link to 6th grade placement information.

**Click here for the PTO Newsletter.**  

Upcoming Dates
April 8 - 19th - Student Council Toy Drive
Thursday, April 18th - 4th Grade Concert at 6:30pm
Friday, April 19th - Art Auction - Cubby Bear North 7 - 9:30pm
Wednesday, May 15th - Prairie Celebrates Learning at 6pm-7pm
Thursday, May 16th - Orchestra Extravaganza Concert Grades 4-8 at Twin Groves
Thursday, May 23rd - 5th grade trip to Twin Groves
Friday, May 31st - Talent Show at 6:30pm
Thursday, June 6th - Last Day of School