Friday, April 26, 2013

Principal's Message 4.26.13

Student Council News...
Congratulations to the students of Prairie School.  We reached our goal of 400 donated toys.  The children earned a Prairie Pod Party.  The Prairie Pod parties will take place Friday, May 3rd.  You may be asking yourself, "What is a Prairie Pod Party?" Well, let me tell you.... The kids will have 20-30 minutes of Friday Fun with all the other classes in their pod.  

PTO News...
General Meeting Date Change
The PTO General Meeting has been changed to Wednesday, May 29th at 6:30pm.  All parents that will be new to Prairie in August are encouraged to attend.  Following the meeting, there will be a tour of the school and time for  Q & A.  

Staff Appreciation Week
The PTO is hosting Staff Appreciation Week from May 6th - 10th.  Tuesday, May 7th is Thank You Card Day.  This new event replaces flower day.  Students can bring as many cards as they'd like and pass them out to their teachers.  The PTO kindly requests gift card donations.  For more specifics on Staff Appreciation Week and other PTO news, please click HERE for the PTO Newsletter.  

MAP Testing
MAP Testing will occur next week for all students at Prairie.  Students will take the reading and math tests.  Assessment results are used as one piece of information to inform instruction.  Results will be sent home prior to the end of the school year.   

ABC Countdown
Student Council is trying something new this year, an ABC countdown for the last 26 days of school.  Each day will be a different theme and we'll be starting on on May 1st.  Please see below to help your child participate in the fun.    

A America Day (Show your pride by wearing red, white and blue) Wednesday, May 1

B Backwards Day (Wear your shirt backwards) Thursday, May 2

C Crazy Hair Day (Make your hair as crazy as possible) Friday, May 3
D Dime Day (Bring in your extra dimes to donate to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital) May 6
E Exercise Day (Wear exercise clothes& put in some extra exercise) Tuesday, May 7
F Favorite Fruit Day (Bring in your favorite fruit for lunch!) Wednesday, May 8
G Green Day (Wear green & do something good for the environment) Thursday, May 9
H Hat Day (Wear your favorite hat) Friday, May 10
I Inside Out Day (Wear your clothes inside out) Monday, May 13
J Jean Day (Wear jeans, a jean jacket, jean skirt, etc.) Tuesday, May 14
K Kindness Day (Perform an extra act of kindness today) Wednesday, May 15
L LOL Day (Come with an appropriate joke to make someone laugh out loud!) 5/6
M Mismatch Day (Mix and match your clothes) Friday, May 17
N Neon Day (Wear your brightest, neon clothes) Monday, May 20
O Orange Day (Bring one to eat or wear the color orange) Tuesday, May 21
P Prairie Day (Wear Prairie Clothes, of course!) Wednesday, May 22
Q Quarter Day (Bring in your extra quarters to donate to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital)
Thursday, May 23
R Rah! Rah! Day (Be ready to cheer on your teachers in the staff volleyball game) 5/24
S Sports Day (Come dressed ready to play sports for Field Day-Don’t forget your
sportsmanship too) 5/28
T Tye Dye Day (Wear your favorite tye dye clothing!) Wednesday, May 29
U University Day (Wear your favorite College/University clothing) Thursday, May 30
V Vacation Day (Wear a t-shirt from your favorite vacation spot) Friday, May 31
W Windy City Sports Day (Wear your favorite Chicago sports team gear) Monday, June 3
X X-tra Day (Do something X-tra fun today) Tuesday, June 4
Y Year End Cleanout (Clean out your desks today) Wednesday, June 5
Z Zip up your bags and Zoom into summer (Last Day!) Thursday, June 6