Girls on the Run News...
The Prairie “Girls on the Run” team held their practice 5K at Heron Creek Forest Preserve to get ready for their final 5K on June 1st. They were joined by many members of the staff from Prairie, parents, and friends who were there to run, jog, walk, and cheer them along the 3.1 mile loop! The GOTR teams from Kildeer and Country Meadows were at the forest preserve doing their practice too, which made for a fun afternoon of encouragement felt by all! Thanks to coaches Katie Hewitt, Jessica Johnston, Jamie Kuhl and Erin Sauer for leading these girls in a memorable afternoon. Check out this picture of the team of 3rd-5th graders and their coaches!
Thank you PTO
A BIG thank you to the PTO for spoiling the Prairie staff this week with luncheons and appreciation gifts. We sooo appreciate your kindness!!
5 PAC - Principal's Advisory Council
The 5th Grade Principal's Advisory Council recently held their last meeting of the school year. This opt-in program for 5th graders was really successful this year. Students had the opportunity to share out great ideas and Dr. Pfaff was able to take these great ideas back to the staff in various ways. Our last two meetings focused on brainstorming ideas for the 5th grade gift which students will vote on shortly. I look forward to the 13-14 5PAC and working with these students to affect change at Prairie.
Lettered Days...
5/13 - "I" - Wear your clothes inside out day
5/14 - "J" - Jeans Day
5/15 - "K" - Kindness Day - perform a random act of kindness
5/16 - "L" - LOL Day... come with an appropriate joke to help your friends laugh
5/17 - "M" - Mismatch Day - mix & match your clothes
Box Tops for Education
Please keep sending in Box Tops for Education. We recently received a check for $135.00. All proceeds go back to students!
District 96 uses Integrated Pest Management--a program that
combines preventive techniques, non-chemical methods (such as bait traps), and
the appropriate use of pesticides (with a preference for products least harmful
to human health and the environment).
On the weekend of May 11 & 12, 2013 the District 96 lawn
treatment provider Zenith Landscape Group will treat grass areas adjacent to
all District buildings. Signs will be posted to indicate that the treatments
have been applied. In the event of rain, the applications will occur on the
following weekend, May 18 & 19, 2013.
Bicycle Riders
Music Room Talent shows and Auditions
Next week, May 13 - May 17, will be the week for auditions for the school talent show. The auditions will take place before school and during music class. Auditions that have singing, playing an instrument, or dance may be done during music class and auditions that involve other talents need to be done before school. Students will be notified of the results on Tuesday, May 21st, at the end of the day. The evening talent show will be Friday, May 31, at 6:30 PM. Students will need to sign up on theTalent Show sign up form in order to be considered for the school talent show.
News from H.O.T. - Helping Others Together
Last week, the Helping Others Together (HOT) club took a field trip to the Prairie Crossing Learning Farm in Grayslake. Students learned about where our food comes from, how our fruits and vegetables are grown, composting, and even got to feed some chickens! This experience helped us to learn about how we can help our bodies by eating healthily and how we can grow food sustainably for a healthy planet and future!
News from H.O.T. - Helping Others Together
Last week, the Helping Others Together (HOT) club took a field trip to the Prairie Crossing Learning Farm in Grayslake. Students learned about where our food comes from, how our fruits and vegetables are grown, composting, and even got to feed some chickens! This experience helped us to learn about how we can help our bodies by eating healthily and how we can grow food sustainably for a healthy planet and future!
Crossing Guard Ron Ericson Retires
Mr. Ericson, our beloved Brandywyn & Kingsbridge corner crossing guard has decided to hang up his stop sign after nearly 10 years of service to the Prairie School community. Student Council students presented Mr. Ericson with thank you cards that students made for him on April 30th. We thank Mr. Ericson for keeping our kids safe all these years. Best of luck to you Ron! To ensure the safety of our kids, please remind your bicycle riding child to stay on the sidewalks when riding to school and on school property. The Prairie parking lot is a busy, busy place and we want to make sure students are not traveling through it on foot or on their bikes. Thanks for your help!
Moving Out of the District?
If you are moving out of the district, please stop by the school office to complete a transfer form.