Friday, May 17, 2013

Principal's Message 5.17.13

**Click here for the PTO Newsletter.**  

A Message from the Principals for a Day...

My day was really fun and I loved all the things I did.  I really liked looking looking the secrets spaces and going to meetings.  The secret spaces I liked were looking at the electrical rooms and the teachers' lounge.  Did you know they have a pop machine in there?  I loved learning about what some staff do as their jobs.  I talked with Miss Sauer about being a social worker and she said that it feels good to help kids feel better.  I had an awesome day!
~Miss Sophia P.

My day as a principal was fun.  I've learned that it takes a lot of work to be a teacher.  Teachers are always busy and they have to be flexible.  I have also learned cool new things about the school.  I liked the secret places.  In the teachers' lounge, there is a t.v. and a vending machine.  It was a very cool experience and the next people who do it will enjoy it a lot.  I loved it!
~Miss Zoe M.

H.O.T. Sponsors Book Drive
Beginning on Monday, May 20, Prairie will be holding a book drive to benefit Bernie's Book Bank. This organization delivers used, outgrown, over-read books to children who have no or limited access to literature in their homes in the Chicagoland area. If you have any children's books, infant to middle school level, please send them in with your child between May 20-May 31. Last year Prairie donated several thousand books and we are hoping to have another successful year! Thank you!
~H.O.T. Committee

Police Car Ride
Congratulations to Connor S. & Lydia S. on winning a ride to school in a Buffalo Grove Police car.  Their ride was fun and exciting complete with sirens and lights.  Thanks also the BGPD for your participation in the Art Auction fund raiser which makes these fun activities possible.

Bicycle Riders
To ensure the safety of our kids, please remind your bicycle riding child to stay on the sidewalks when riding to school and on school property.  The Prairie parking lot is a busy, busy place and we want to make sure students are not traveling through it on foot or on their bikes.  Also, the bike racks have been moved to the front of school for easier bike parking.  Thanks for your help!

Moving Out of the District?
If you are moving out of the district, please stop by the school office to complete a transfer form.

Lettered Days...
5/20 - "N" - Neon Day, wear your brightest clothes
5/21 - "O" - Orange Day, eat one or wear orange
5/22 - "P" - Prairie Day - Spirit wear day, of course!
5/23 - "Q" - Quarter Day - bring 25cents for St. Jude's Children's Hospital
5/24 - "R" - Rah! Rah! Day - Be ready to cheer on your teachers in the staff VB game

Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, May 22 - 5th grade trip to TG
Tuesday, May 28 - Field Day
Thursday, May 30 - 5th grade party
Friday, May 31 - Field Day Rain Date
Friday, May 31 - Talent Show @ 6:30pm
Thursday, June 6 - Report Cards go Home/Last Day of School