Friday, September 30, 2011

Highlights of the Week
On Tuesday, we had our first fire drill of the school year which was attended by the Buffalo Grove Fire Department.  All staff and students exited the building in under two minutes, thirty seconds.  The feedback we received from the firefighters was positive with minor suggestions for improvement.  Our staff and students did a great job of participating in the fire drill safely and as expected.  Congrats Prairie!   

Professional Learning
During Tuesday’s early release day, teachers were involved in content area job alike meetings which focused on student learning targets and assessments.  Job alike teams reviewed content area pacing guides and worked on revisions of assessments for trimesters two and three for this school year to compliment the new, more rigorous Common Core standards.  

Parent Night: Understanding Your Child's New Report Card
On October 20th at 6:30pm at Ivy Hall School, District 96 is hosting a Parent Night focused on the revised standard’s based report card.  The discussion will focus on why the district has moved to a standards based reporting format, background on the Common Core standards, and the need for the report card revision for this school year.  Teachers will be present at the meeting as well to share how the use of the standards based report card has better informed instruction in the classroom.  We look forward to seeing you there.  

PTO News
On Thursday, October 6th join us to watch “Rio” from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.  For more information on this evening, please be sure to visit the PTO Newsletter. 

Picture Retakes
If you wish for your child to have his/her picture retaken, please mark your calendar for Wednesday, October 12th.  Students will need to return the original set of photographs at the time of the picture sitting. 

The March 2011 ISAT data has been received and will be sent home this Thursday, October 6th along with the fall MAP test results.  Teachers will use these results as a portion of the data that assists them in determining the instructional needs for each child in their classroom.  If you have any questions regarding your child’s assessment results, please contact your child’s classroom teacher. 

2nd Grade Math Night
Calling all Prairie, Ivy Hall, and Kildeer parents for a night of math fun at Kildeer School on Tuesday, October 11th at 7pm.  During this “how to” math session, our math specialist, Mrs. Arlene Steinberg, will teach parents how to compute using the partial sums, counting up, and trade first methods among many other interesting math topics from our University of Chicago math curriculum.  If you are looking for some help in helping out with homework, don’t miss this presentation. 


Culinary Kids Club
Calling all cooks!!  Mrs. Doherty and Mr. Blazek are looking for some creative students who are interested in learning how to whip up some delicious treats.  If this sounds appetizing, please complete the registration form which can be found on the Prairie website.  Culinary Kids begins on Thursday, October 6th. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Highlights of the Week
You won’t believe this!  Consumption of fresh broccoli is on the rise at Prairie.  It must be the dip.  Our new cold food bar was unveiled this week and the students are enjoying the fresh fruit and vegetable options they are presented daily.  Kirsten from Ms. Kott’s class shared with me that the new cold food bar is “really awesome and cool.”  Many other students shared similar comments about the new options in the lunchroom.  The cold food bar is not a salad bar but rather a cold table that has daily fresh cut carrots, celery, and yes, broccoli, along with fresh or canned peaches, pineapple, oranges, and other options.  Students may purchase items from the cold food bar ala carte using their lunch cards.   

Our 16th annual School Yard Scamper was held today and it was simply awesome.  Everyone’s enthusiasm was energizing as the students have been bubbling all week about today.  Many of our “big” kids ran the 1.2 mile course twice and it’s always to fun to watch our little guys go through the course once.  Mrs. Topel shared with me today that this is her 7th and final Scamper as a Prairie parent and that she will so miss being a part of this wonderful school tradition in the future.  A huge thank you to the over 50 parents who volunteered for today’s event and also to Mrs. Androjna and Mrs. Lehtman who always ensure the Scamper goes off without a hitch. 

At the end of the Scamper today, we had our first Positivley Prairie monthly celebration.  All students who received a WOW slip this month were acknoweldged as a group and all students received a freeze pop for demonstrating our expected Positively Prarire behaviors. 

PTO News
On Thursday, October 6th join us to watch “Rio” from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.  For more information on this evening, please be sure to visit the PTO Newsletter

2011-2012 Extended Math Criteria
Extended Math is an opportunity for our 4th and 5th graders to extend their learning of the identified targets from the Curriculum Frameworks.  All students in grades 4 and 5 have an opportunity to qualify for extended math each trimester.  Students who qualify for Extended Math will meet in a class taught by the Extended Learning Specialist one day each week during their regularly scheduled Math class.  Students who do not qualify for Extended Math will have opportunities for extension during the regular math class.

Trimester 1 – Extended Math begins the week of 10/10/11 and ends the week of 11/21/11.
Trimester 2 – Extended Math begins the week of 11/28/11 and ends the week of 2/27/12.
Trimester 3 – Extended Math begins the week of 3/5/12 and ends the week of 6/1/12.

Extended Math Criteria – Students need to qualify each trimester.

Trimester 1 – the student will need to meet all of the following criteria:
  • 95% or greater on Fall MAP
  • Trimester 1 Cumulative Math Assessment given during the week of 09/26/11 demonstrating mastery of a minimum of 75% of the targets 
  • Student Characteristic Form completed by Classroom Teacher
Trimester 2 – the student will need to meet all of the following criteria:
  • 95% or greater on Fall MAP
  • Trimester 2 Cumulative Math Assessment given during the week of 11/14/11 demonstrating mastery of a minimum of 75% of the targets 
  • Student Characteristic Form completed by Classroom Teacher

Trimester 3 – the student will need to meet all of the following criteria:
  • 95% or greater on Fall or Winter MAP
  • Trimester 3 Cumulative Math Assessment given during the week of 02/13/12 demonstrating mastery of a minimum of 75% of the targets
  • Student Characteristic Form completed by Classroom Teacher

Principals will contact parents through email indicating that their child met the 95th percentile for MAP and will be taking the Trimester Cumulative Math Assessment.  The Principal and/or Extended Learning Specialists will communicate with parents through email or phone calls to indicate that they will be included in Extended Math for the Trimester.  Parents and students will also be provided an expectation agreement for their participation.  This process will be repeated each trimester.

Contact your child’s principal or your school’s Extended Learning Specialist with any additional questions.

Third Grade Book Club
Any third graders who enjoy books, join us for read aloud on Mondays and Thursdays after school.  A different book is shared each day so come to one or both days.   The permission slip can be found on Mrs. Addona's web page.

Authors Club
Calling All 5th, 4th, and 3rd Grade Authors!  Develop your joy for writing.  There are three 8 week sessions scheduled for after school on Wednesday.  Fifth Grade Club begins October 5.  Fourth Grade Club begins January 4.  Third Grade Club will begin on February 29.  Look for the permission/registration form on the Prairie School and Mrs. Addona's websites.

Books at Breakfast Time Club
Fourth and Fifth graders, do you love listening to stories?  Books at Breakfast Club is a time to join your friends on Tuesday or Thursday mornings for a fun and enjoyable read-aloud time with Mr. Vanderwerff.   He’ll be reading exciting fiction and non-fiction titles from the newest and the best books in the library. You will also be able to blog about what we are reading with your club friends. So, come join us.  For a fun filled 40 minutes in the morning.

Parents, the club is free of charge and will meet Tuesday mornings at 7:40 for 4th grade and Thursday mornings at 7:40 for 5th grade. Reading aloud builds language skills and vocabulary while having fun. It will also motivate your child to read more of their favorite authors or genres. More reading makes better readers! They will need to bring along a breakfast bar or other healthy snack (if they’d like) and Mr. Vanderwerff will bring the books! Please sign up or download the form from the Prairie website today.

Patrol Students Named for the Year
Congratulations to the following students for being named Patrol Students for the 2011-2012 school year. Patrol students assist with morning drop off and raising and lowering the flag.

Griffin T., Kayla R., Jenna C., Isabella P., Nick F., Erica B., Aaron O. Arielle P., David D., Lauren M., Ryan S., Jack B., Julia E., Rmahith A., Kirsten T., Ashley K., Sarah S., Max S., Blake N., Akshay K., Adam R., and Arnav C.

Your community service is truly appreciated!! 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Highlights of the Week
Our Positively Prairie program is off to a terrific start.  Miss Sauer and I have met with each grade level to review the program in greater detail.  We shared that nearly every month we will have a Positively Prairie assembly where we will honor each WOW slip recipient and model a positive behavior.  We also talked about our monthly celebrations.  Students learned about the Positively Prairie Reflection Sheet, which will assist a child in thinking through the actions of unexpected behaviors.  The feedback from staff and parents regarding Positively Prairie thus far has been overwhelmingly positive.  Staff has shared that students are using good manners by saying please and thank you more often.  I observe students holding the door for each other on a regular basis.  Mrs. Evans shared with me that students are being very responsible in coming to the Nurse’s Office for their medications.  Many parents have shared with me how excited their child was to have received a WOW slip.  We have had constructive suggestions as well, which the committee will review for implementation this year.  If you have any input, please feel free to share.       

Our 2nd – 5th grade students have completed MAP testing.  Results of MAP tests will be sent home with ISAT results prior to our Trimester 1 report card.  First graders will take the reading and math MAP test next week with their results being sent home prior to T1 report cards as well.   

Helping Others Together “H.O.T.” Club
Is your child interested in making a difference in our community? Is he/she “Going Green” and interested in helping others do the same? If so, H.O.T is the place to be! The club meets on Mondays, and we will be doing a variety of activities aimed at connecting students with our local and world communities. Permission slips can be found on Prairie’s website or on Miss Cotter’s webpage. 

5th Grade Class Photo
On Wednesday, September 21st at 12:55pm, the fifth grade class will be posing for their class photo.  The photo will be taken right after recess.  Students may choose to wear Prairie School spirit wear for the photo.

District 96 Dash for Technology
Do your children come home excited about the technology in their classroom?  At school, we see the highly engaged students utilizing technology everyday.  Let’s keep it going.  The PTO Coordinating Council is organizing the first District 96 Dash for Technology. “The Dash” is a 5k walk/run which is great for the whole family. The event starts and finishes at Twin Groves on Sunday. Oct 2nd.  The starting gun will sound at 8AM. Registration is online at The cost is $15/per person through September 26th. Same-day registration will increase to $20/per person.

School Yard Scamper
The School Yard Scamper is just around the corner, next Friday, September 23rd.  Should we need to cancel the Scamper due to inclement weather, you will be informed the morning of September 23rd via an email push out.  The rain date is Friday, September 30th.  We are still missing a few permission slips so please submit your online permission slip today.  We don’t want any child to miss this fabulous, all school, long-time Prairie tradition!  We welcome you to “scamper” with us or enjoy an afternoon supporting the children during the Scamper Fun Run. IF YOU WANT TO VOLUNTEER AND HAVE NOT BEEN NOTIFIED BY MRS. ANDROJNA PLEASE CONTACT HER AT  We hope you are able to join us in promoting a lifetime of activity, fitness, and fun!

Fitness Walks Start Next Week for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Grade
FITNESS WALK PERMISSION SLIPS ARE PAST DUE.  All 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade students are expected to turn in a fitness walk permission slip as this is a part of the P.E. curriculum. The Fitness Walk form can be found on the Prairie School homepage.   Please print out/complete the form and return it to school with your child as soon as possible. Fitness walks will start the week of September 19th during physical education classes.

PTO Highlight of the Week
Don’t forget that to eat out at Culver’s this Thursday for our first restaurant fundraiser of the year.  For more information about PTO activities and news, please visit the PTO newsletter

Friday, September 9, 2011

Highlights of the Week
Second through fifth graders completed the reading portion of the NWEA MAP test.  Students in these grade levels will take the math MAP test next week.  First graders will take both the reading and math MAP test the week of September 19th.  

Dr. Pfaff and Miss Sauer met with students in 1st, 3rd, and 4th grade this week to share more detailed information about the Positively Prairie program such as monthly assemblies and celebrations.  The Student Reflection form was also reviewed with the students.  The form is a tool that will assist students in thinking through the reasons they may have engaged in an unexpected behavior and to problem solve an alternate solution.  Finally, playground and recess safety were discussed with students in a proactive effort to promote being kind, respectful, responsible, and ready during recess.  Students shared many great ideas for staying safe on the playground. Meetings with the 2nd and 5th grade classes will occur next week.   

3rd grade Parent Math Night Clarification
Accuracy is important–in communication, as well as math!  We regret the confusion and misinformation regarding the 3rd-Grade Math Night for parents.  Math Night for Ivy Hall, Kildeer, and Prairie parents of 3rd graders is Thursday, Sept. 15, 7–8 p.m., in the Staff Lounge at Ivy Hall School. Ivy Hall School is located at 1072 Ivy Hall Lane, Buffalo Grove.

Picture Day is Thursday, September 15th
Fall picture day is Thursday, September 15th.  This week your child brought home an order form and envelope.  Please complete the order form to be returned in the envelope on picture day with a check made payable to E.D. Clark School Photography.  Students will give the check to the photographer at the time of their photo sitting.  If you choose not to place an order at this time, your child’s photo will be for yearbook use only.

School Yard Scamper
The School Yard Scamper is on Friday, September 23rd.  We are still looking for permission slips to be turned in.  Also, we still need volunteers.  Please visit the School Yard Scamper link to give your child permission and/or to volunteer.  If you cannot access this link, please go to the Prairie P.E. webpage to print a permission slip form.  Please submit your permission slips and volunteer commitments ASAP so that we can plan appropriately for the event.  

Drop-off and pick-up procedures
Please ensure that you adhere to the following drop-off and pick-up procedures so that our students remain safe at all times.
Morning Drop Off Procedures:
                Students are dropped off in the Brandywyn circle drive
                Remain in a single file line
                Students  must exit the car curbside
                Students dropped off on the street must cross with the crossing guard
                During inclement weather, staff will direct students to the line up area
After School Pick Up Procedures:
                The Brandywyn circle drive is for busses only
                Car pick up is on the Kingsbridge circle drive, the small parking lot only, the street.
                Students must enter vehicles curbside
                Cars are not allowed here after school.
                Deciding on a regular meeting place is helpful and reduces confusion for your child(ren).
                All students can exit the building through the doors going towards Brandywyn, Kingsbridge, or
    the playground doors.
                Parents cannot wait inside school for their children.

Chess Club, Student Council, Choir, Rhythm Band Clubs beginning soon
Mr. Nagle invites interested students to sign up for any of the above listed clubs.  Registration links can be found on Mr. Nagle’s webpage under the specific club link.  Each club activity is conducted in the music room. Drop off and pick up for these clubs is at the music room door off of Kingsbridge Way.

The clubs will be offered at the following times:
Choir: Tuesday mornings from 7:35 to 8:15 AM (3rd through 5th Grade).  
Rhythm Band: Thursday afternoons from 3:00 to 3:50 PM (2nd through 5th Grade).
Student Council: 1st and 3rd Friday mornings from 7:35 to 8:15 AM  (4th and 5th Grade).
Advanced Chess Club: 2nd and 4th Friday mornings from 7:35 to 8:15 AM (1st - 5th Grade).
Beginning Chess Club: 2nd and 4th Friday Afternoons from 3:00 - 3:50 PM (1st - 5th Grade).

Riding an alternate bus route
A student may ride an alternate bus route in lieu of the assigned route or get off the bus at a stop other than the assigned route.  A note explaining why the change is necessary is required.  Due to capacity restrictions, the request will be considered by the building principal who will determine whether there is adequate seating on the bus to accommodate additional riders. Groups of students, such as birthday party guests or Scout troop members, will not be permitted to ride alternate buses.

PTO Weekly Highlight
Entertainment Books were due today.  Please send in any orders you have or books you do not want on Monday.  For other PTO news, please visit the PTO Newsletter.  

Friday, September 2, 2011

Highlights from the Week
This week the Prairie faculty and I enjoyed meeting with parents at our Curriculum Nights.  This evening provides us an opportunity to share our district and building goals along with grade level curriculum and expectations for student learning.  Please remember that our goals for this year are to maintain high levels of student achievement through our continued focus on literacy instruction, new learning targets, and standards based report card implementation.  Our second goal is to enhance two-way communication with our community.  My weekly Principal’s Message will be pushed out via an email as well as the weekly E-News 96 that highlights District level information.

Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)
MAP testing will begin next week for grades 2-5.  During the week of September 6th these grade levels will take the reading assessment.  During the week of September 12th, students will take the math assessment.  This year, for the first time district-wide, 1st graders will be taking the MAP test.  Reading and math assessments for first graders will be conducted the week of September 20th.  Your child’s teacher will use MAP results to plan instruction and to confer with your child for goal setting. 

Raptor Security System
The security and safety of our students are our first priorities. Last year all of the schools in the District implemented the Raptor Security System.  Raptor's V-soft product helps keep unwanted visitors out of the school and tracks those that are allowed inside the building. The process is simple.  When a visitor checks in at the main office, their driver’s license (or other state issued ID) is scanned.  The web-based V-soft instantly screens for registered sex offenders through national and state databases. When a visitor is cleared, V-soft prints a badge featuring the individual’s name, photo, date, time and destination. If you are volunteering in the building for the first time please bring identification and allot additional time to scan your driver’s license.  Parents are encouraged to come and scan their license prior to all school events, such as holiday parties, as this reduces the amount of time that it takes to print badges. As always your cooperation is appreciated!

New Cold Bar at Lunch
We are excited to share that this month we will be incorporating into our lunch choices a cold food bar containing fresh fruit and vegetables.  It gets even better… there’s dip!
The cold food bars will also offer a canned fruit, bread, and pre-cupped desserts when offered on the menu.  Our lunch staff will train the children on the new options and selection process.

PTO Weekly Highlight
The Back to School Blow Out is this Thursday, September 8th.  Please see the PTO Newsletter for more information about this event and others.