Highlights of the Week
Our Positively Prairie program is off to a terrific start. Miss Sauer and I have met with each grade level to review the program in greater detail. We shared that nearly every month we will have a Positively Prairie assembly where we will honor each WOW slip recipient and model a positive behavior. We also talked about our monthly celebrations. Students learned about the Positively Prairie Reflection Sheet, which will assist a child in thinking through the actions of unexpected behaviors. The feedback from staff and parents regarding Positively Prairie thus far has been overwhelmingly positive. Staff has shared that students are using good manners by saying please and thank you more often. I observe students holding the door for each other on a regular basis. Mrs. Evans shared with me that students are being very responsible in coming to the Nurse’s Office for their medications. Many parents have shared with me how excited their child was to have received a WOW slip. We have had constructive suggestions as well, which the committee will review for implementation this year. If you have any input, please feel free to share.
Our 2nd – 5th grade students have completed MAP testing. Results of MAP tests will be sent home with ISAT results prior to our Trimester 1 report card. First graders will take the reading and math MAP test next week with their results being sent home prior to T1 report cards as well.
Helping Others Together “H.O.T.” Club
Is your child interested in making a difference in our community? Is he/she “Going Green” and interested in helping others do the same? If so, H.O.T is the place to be! The club meets on Mondays, and we will be doing a variety of activities aimed at connecting students with our local and world communities. Permission slips can be found on Prairie’s website or on Miss Cotter’s webpage.
5th Grade Class Photo
On Wednesday, September 21st at 12:55pm, the fifth grade class will be posing for their class photo. The photo will be taken right after recess. Students may choose to wear Prairie School spirit wear for the photo.
District 96 Dash for Technology
Do your children come home excited about the technology in their classroom? At school, we see the highly engaged students utilizing technology everyday. Let’s keep it going. The PTO Coordinating Council is organizing the first District 96 Dash for Technology. “The Dash” is a 5k walk/run which is great for the whole family. The event starts and finishes at Twin Groves on Sunday. Oct 2nd. The starting gun will sound at 8AM. Registration is online at http://www.kcsd96.org/about/pto_d96dash.html. The cost is $15/per person through September 26th. Same-day registration will increase to $20/per person.
School Yard Scamper
The School Yard Scamper is just around the corner, next Friday, September 23rd. Should we need to cancel the Scamper due to inclement weather, you will be informed the morning of September 23rd via an email push out. The rain date is Friday, September 30th. We are still missing a few permission slips so please submit your online permission slip today. We don’t want any child to miss this fabulous, all school, long-time Prairie tradition! We welcome you to “scamper” with us or enjoy an afternoon supporting the children during the Scamper Fun Run. IF YOU WANT TO VOLUNTEER AND HAVE NOT BEEN NOTIFIED BY MRS. ANDROJNA PLEASE CONTACT HER AT landrojna@kcsd96.org. We hope you are able to join us in promoting a lifetime of activity, fitness, and fun!
Fitness Walks Start Next Week for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Grade
FITNESS WALK PERMISSION SLIPS ARE PAST DUE. All 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade students are expected to turn in a fitness walk permission slip as this is a part of the P.E. curriculum. The Fitness Walk form can be found on the Prairie School homepage. Please print out/complete the form and return it to school with your child as soon as possible. Fitness walks will start the week of September 19th during physical education classes.
PTO Highlight of the Week
Don’t forget that to eat out at Culver’s this Thursday for our first restaurant fundraiser of the year. For more information about PTO activities and news, please visit the PTO newsletter.