Friday, September 30, 2011

Highlights of the Week
On Tuesday, we had our first fire drill of the school year which was attended by the Buffalo Grove Fire Department.  All staff and students exited the building in under two minutes, thirty seconds.  The feedback we received from the firefighters was positive with minor suggestions for improvement.  Our staff and students did a great job of participating in the fire drill safely and as expected.  Congrats Prairie!   

Professional Learning
During Tuesday’s early release day, teachers were involved in content area job alike meetings which focused on student learning targets and assessments.  Job alike teams reviewed content area pacing guides and worked on revisions of assessments for trimesters two and three for this school year to compliment the new, more rigorous Common Core standards.  

Parent Night: Understanding Your Child's New Report Card
On October 20th at 6:30pm at Ivy Hall School, District 96 is hosting a Parent Night focused on the revised standard’s based report card.  The discussion will focus on why the district has moved to a standards based reporting format, background on the Common Core standards, and the need for the report card revision for this school year.  Teachers will be present at the meeting as well to share how the use of the standards based report card has better informed instruction in the classroom.  We look forward to seeing you there.  

PTO News
On Thursday, October 6th join us to watch “Rio” from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.  For more information on this evening, please be sure to visit the PTO Newsletter. 

Picture Retakes
If you wish for your child to have his/her picture retaken, please mark your calendar for Wednesday, October 12th.  Students will need to return the original set of photographs at the time of the picture sitting. 

The March 2011 ISAT data has been received and will be sent home this Thursday, October 6th along with the fall MAP test results.  Teachers will use these results as a portion of the data that assists them in determining the instructional needs for each child in their classroom.  If you have any questions regarding your child’s assessment results, please contact your child’s classroom teacher. 

2nd Grade Math Night
Calling all Prairie, Ivy Hall, and Kildeer parents for a night of math fun at Kildeer School on Tuesday, October 11th at 7pm.  During this “how to” math session, our math specialist, Mrs. Arlene Steinberg, will teach parents how to compute using the partial sums, counting up, and trade first methods among many other interesting math topics from our University of Chicago math curriculum.  If you are looking for some help in helping out with homework, don’t miss this presentation. 


Culinary Kids Club
Calling all cooks!!  Mrs. Doherty and Mr. Blazek are looking for some creative students who are interested in learning how to whip up some delicious treats.  If this sounds appetizing, please complete the registration form which can be found on the Prairie website.  Culinary Kids begins on Thursday, October 6th.