Friday, September 23, 2011

Highlights of the Week
You won’t believe this!  Consumption of fresh broccoli is on the rise at Prairie.  It must be the dip.  Our new cold food bar was unveiled this week and the students are enjoying the fresh fruit and vegetable options they are presented daily.  Kirsten from Ms. Kott’s class shared with me that the new cold food bar is “really awesome and cool.”  Many other students shared similar comments about the new options in the lunchroom.  The cold food bar is not a salad bar but rather a cold table that has daily fresh cut carrots, celery, and yes, broccoli, along with fresh or canned peaches, pineapple, oranges, and other options.  Students may purchase items from the cold food bar ala carte using their lunch cards.   

Our 16th annual School Yard Scamper was held today and it was simply awesome.  Everyone’s enthusiasm was energizing as the students have been bubbling all week about today.  Many of our “big” kids ran the 1.2 mile course twice and it’s always to fun to watch our little guys go through the course once.  Mrs. Topel shared with me today that this is her 7th and final Scamper as a Prairie parent and that she will so miss being a part of this wonderful school tradition in the future.  A huge thank you to the over 50 parents who volunteered for today’s event and also to Mrs. Androjna and Mrs. Lehtman who always ensure the Scamper goes off without a hitch. 

At the end of the Scamper today, we had our first Positivley Prairie monthly celebration.  All students who received a WOW slip this month were acknoweldged as a group and all students received a freeze pop for demonstrating our expected Positively Prarire behaviors. 

PTO News
On Thursday, October 6th join us to watch “Rio” from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.  For more information on this evening, please be sure to visit the PTO Newsletter

2011-2012 Extended Math Criteria
Extended Math is an opportunity for our 4th and 5th graders to extend their learning of the identified targets from the Curriculum Frameworks.  All students in grades 4 and 5 have an opportunity to qualify for extended math each trimester.  Students who qualify for Extended Math will meet in a class taught by the Extended Learning Specialist one day each week during their regularly scheduled Math class.  Students who do not qualify for Extended Math will have opportunities for extension during the regular math class.

Trimester 1 – Extended Math begins the week of 10/10/11 and ends the week of 11/21/11.
Trimester 2 – Extended Math begins the week of 11/28/11 and ends the week of 2/27/12.
Trimester 3 – Extended Math begins the week of 3/5/12 and ends the week of 6/1/12.

Extended Math Criteria – Students need to qualify each trimester.

Trimester 1 – the student will need to meet all of the following criteria:
  • 95% or greater on Fall MAP
  • Trimester 1 Cumulative Math Assessment given during the week of 09/26/11 demonstrating mastery of a minimum of 75% of the targets 
  • Student Characteristic Form completed by Classroom Teacher
Trimester 2 – the student will need to meet all of the following criteria:
  • 95% or greater on Fall MAP
  • Trimester 2 Cumulative Math Assessment given during the week of 11/14/11 demonstrating mastery of a minimum of 75% of the targets 
  • Student Characteristic Form completed by Classroom Teacher

Trimester 3 – the student will need to meet all of the following criteria:
  • 95% or greater on Fall or Winter MAP
  • Trimester 3 Cumulative Math Assessment given during the week of 02/13/12 demonstrating mastery of a minimum of 75% of the targets
  • Student Characteristic Form completed by Classroom Teacher

Principals will contact parents through email indicating that their child met the 95th percentile for MAP and will be taking the Trimester Cumulative Math Assessment.  The Principal and/or Extended Learning Specialists will communicate with parents through email or phone calls to indicate that they will be included in Extended Math for the Trimester.  Parents and students will also be provided an expectation agreement for their participation.  This process will be repeated each trimester.

Contact your child’s principal or your school’s Extended Learning Specialist with any additional questions.

Third Grade Book Club
Any third graders who enjoy books, join us for read aloud on Mondays and Thursdays after school.  A different book is shared each day so come to one or both days.   The permission slip can be found on Mrs. Addona's web page.

Authors Club
Calling All 5th, 4th, and 3rd Grade Authors!  Develop your joy for writing.  There are three 8 week sessions scheduled for after school on Wednesday.  Fifth Grade Club begins October 5.  Fourth Grade Club begins January 4.  Third Grade Club will begin on February 29.  Look for the permission/registration form on the Prairie School and Mrs. Addona's websites.

Books at Breakfast Time Club
Fourth and Fifth graders, do you love listening to stories?  Books at Breakfast Club is a time to join your friends on Tuesday or Thursday mornings for a fun and enjoyable read-aloud time with Mr. Vanderwerff.   He’ll be reading exciting fiction and non-fiction titles from the newest and the best books in the library. You will also be able to blog about what we are reading with your club friends. So, come join us.  For a fun filled 40 minutes in the morning.

Parents, the club is free of charge and will meet Tuesday mornings at 7:40 for 4th grade and Thursday mornings at 7:40 for 5th grade. Reading aloud builds language skills and vocabulary while having fun. It will also motivate your child to read more of their favorite authors or genres. More reading makes better readers! They will need to bring along a breakfast bar or other healthy snack (if they’d like) and Mr. Vanderwerff will bring the books! Please sign up or download the form from the Prairie website today.

Patrol Students Named for the Year
Congratulations to the following students for being named Patrol Students for the 2011-2012 school year. Patrol students assist with morning drop off and raising and lowering the flag.

Griffin T., Kayla R., Jenna C., Isabella P., Nick F., Erica B., Aaron O. Arielle P., David D., Lauren M., Ryan S., Jack B., Julia E., Rmahith A., Kirsten T., Ashley K., Sarah S., Max S., Blake N., Akshay K., Adam R., and Arnav C.

Your community service is truly appreciated!!