Highlights of the Week
Second through fifth graders completed the reading portion of the NWEA MAP test. Students in these grade levels will take the math MAP test next week. First graders will take both the reading and math MAP test the week of September 19th.
Dr. Pfaff and Miss Sauer met with students in 1st, 3rd, and 4th grade this week to share more detailed information about the Positively Prairie program such as monthly assemblies and celebrations. The Student Reflection form was also reviewed with the students. The form is a tool that will assist students in thinking through the reasons they may have engaged in an unexpected behavior and to problem solve an alternate solution. Finally, playground and recess safety were discussed with students in a proactive effort to promote being kind, respectful, responsible, and ready during recess. Students shared many great ideas for staying safe on the playground. Meetings with the 2nd and 5th grade classes will occur next week.
3rd grade Parent Math Night Clarification
Accuracy is important–in communication, as well as math! We regret the confusion and misinformation regarding the 3rd-Grade Math Night for parents. Math Night for Ivy Hall, Kildeer, and Prairie parents of 3rd graders is Thursday, Sept. 15, 7–8 p.m., in the Staff Lounge at Ivy Hall School. Ivy Hall School is located at 1072 Ivy Hall Lane, Buffalo Grove.
Picture Day is Thursday, September 15th
Fall picture day is Thursday, September 15th. This week your child brought home an order form and envelope. Please complete the order form to be returned in the envelope on picture day with a check made payable to E.D. Clark School Photography. Students will give the check to the photographer at the time of their photo sitting. If you choose not to place an order at this time, your child’s photo will be for yearbook use only.
School Yard Scamper
The School Yard Scamper is on Friday, September 23rd. We are still looking for permission slips to be turned in. Also, we still need volunteers. Please visit the School Yard Scamper link to give your child permission and/or to volunteer. If you cannot access this link, please go to the Prairie P.E. webpage to print a permission slip form. Please submit your permission slips and volunteer commitments ASAP so that we can plan appropriately for the event.
Drop-off and pick-up procedures
Please ensure that you adhere to the following drop-off and pick-up procedures so that our students remain safe at all times.
Morning Drop Off Procedures:
• Students are dropped off in the Brandywyn circle drive
• Remain in a single file line
• Students must exit the car curbside
• Students dropped off on the street must cross with the crossing guard
• During inclement weather, staff will direct students to the line up area
After School Pick Up Procedures:
• The Brandywyn circle drive is for busses only
• Car pick up is on the Kingsbridge circle drive, the small parking lot only, the street.
• Students must enter vehicles curbside
• Cars are not allowed here after school.
• Deciding on a regular meeting place is helpful and reduces confusion for your child(ren).
• All students can exit the building through the doors going towards Brandywyn, Kingsbridge, or
the playground doors.
• Parents cannot wait inside school for their children.
Chess Club, Student Council, Choir, Rhythm Band Clubs beginning soon
Mr. Nagle invites interested students to sign up for any of the above listed clubs. Registration links can be found on Mr. Nagle’s webpage under the specific club link. Each club activity is conducted in the music room. Drop off and pick up for these clubs is at the music room door off of Kingsbridge Way.
The clubs will be offered at the following times:
Choir: Tuesday mornings from 7:35 to 8:15 AM (3rd through 5th Grade).
Rhythm Band: Thursday afternoons from 3:00 to 3:50 PM (2nd through 5th Grade).
Student Council: 1st and 3rd Friday mornings from 7:35 to 8:15 AM (4th and 5th Grade).
Advanced Chess Club: 2nd and 4th Friday mornings from 7:35 to 8:15 AM (1st - 5th Grade).
Beginning Chess Club: 2nd and 4th Friday Afternoons from 3:00 - 3:50 PM (1st - 5th Grade).
Riding an alternate bus route
A student may ride an alternate bus route in lieu of the assigned route or get off the bus at a stop other than the assigned route. A note explaining why the change is necessary is required. Due to capacity restrictions, the request will be considered by the building principal who will determine whether there is adequate seating on the bus to accommodate additional riders. Groups of students, such as birthday party guests or Scout troop members, will not be permitted to ride alternate buses.
PTO Weekly Highlight
Entertainment Books were due today. Please send in any orders you have or books you do not want on Monday. For other PTO news, please visit the PTO Newsletter.